Sunday, February 21, 2010

Gregory Kossivakis - Γρηγόρης Κοσσυβάκης

Gregory Kossivakis was born in Athens in 1947, went to the 7th High school of Pagkrati, studied at the Uni¬versity of Athens Law School and has been a combative lawyer in Athens since 1976, specializing in Labour Law.
He has the privilege to be descend¬ed from Epirotes ancestors, from his father's side, who took part in every liberating and revolutionary fight of the Greek Nation, even before 1821, up until the National resistance of 1942-1944, while from his mother's side he descends from Aegeo-Pelas-gian and Asia Minor generations, who had corresponding fighting contribu¬tion and painful experiences as refu¬gees, being persecuted, imprisoned and sent into exile.
The reverberations of the example his ancestors had set, imposed on him the need for active participation in the student movement against the Junta of the Colonels, who, "appreciating" his revolutionary action, entertained him inside the EAT/ESA inferno, included him in the most dangerous for the dictatorial arrangement "anar¬chist" students list and deprived him the possibility of receiving his degree for three years.
In the course of his life, the author, by composing ancestral and personal social experiences, chose as a Lawyer to defend the rights of the workers by responsibly promoting juridical la¬bour claims of major importance.
At the same time, considering get¬ting unselfishly involved in public matters to be his duty, he accepted the honorary proposal of the "Coalition of the Left" to be a candidate for Par-liament in Arta at the national elec¬tions 1989, 1990, 1996 and in Athens in 2000.
His articles on vital political and social issues have been repeatedly published in daily newspapers and magazines of Athens and the Prov¬inces.
Already, having appreciated that the most vital issue of our times is the confrontation of the wretched ef¬fort to de-Hellenize our People and particularly our youth, he stresses the necessity of "recharging" our national memory with precious ("assiduously withheld") historical facts and ele¬ments.
The present book "THE TURKS ALL THE TRUTH" is a first sample of the author's contribution to serving this necessity; well-founded in valid bibliography and with absolute re¬spect for the historical truth.

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