Sunday, February 21, 2010

The Turks all the Truth by Gregory Kossivakis -- Ιδού οι Τούρκοι Του Γρηγόρη Κοσσυβάκη

We, Greeks, face today as a nation/state, a long-term designed "New World Order" strategy, with various tac¬tics of bending our anti-Turkish reflexes, in order to bet¬ter serve the "World Dominating" interests in the wider region of Eastern Mediterranean and in particular the Aegean islands.
Those reflexes, however, are necessary to be main¬tained in vigilance, first of all, because they are based on the "bitter" historical experiences of our People and secondly, due to the elementary sense of national self-preservation, since the expansionist "appetites" of the Turks, against the Greek territories have not ceased to be promoted, and in fact, with a peculiar audacity and provocativeness.
Therefore, we have the task of diachronically re¬searching and continuously highlighting the historical and current elements which prove and remind the mod¬ern Greeks of the centuries-old incurable and danger¬ous, as much for our Country as for the European Union, Turkish "pathogenic" savagery.

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